As we watched the NFL yesterday, we experienced a wide range of emotions and major moments across the league.

Early in the day, Washington quarterback Alex Smith gave us goosebumps as he entered the field for the first time since 2018 after recovering from a gruesome, life-threatening leg injury.

Watching Alex’s family cheer for him in the stands was special when you consider his long and arduous recovery process. It was a celebratory and inspiring moment for NFL fans everywhere.

After the game, Smith said, “It was great to be out there, the feeling, the range of emotions, the good and the bad.”

Then later in the day, we saw the opposite end of the spectrum when Cowboys quarterback, Dak Prescott, went down with a devastating ankle injury. He’s expected to miss four to six months after having ankle surgery for a compound fracture and dislocation.

The outpouring of support and love for Dak must have been encouraging for the quarterback, but the struggle he’s about to go through will be very challenging – especially when realizing the contract ramifications and the incredible season he’s been having so far.

Prescott being carted off the field with tears in his eyes was tough to watch as it was a moment filled with pain, frustration, and disappointment. Hopefully, he’s able to look to Alex Smith as an example of perseverance, but there’s no doubt it’s a brutal time for him.

I know that many of us today can personally relate to one of these stories…or we have someone close to us experiencing something big on one end of the spectrum or the other.

Just today, I was texting with a friend dealing with two deaths in his family while I celebrate and cheer on my brother and sister-in-law who are having a baby.

Just like on Sunday in the NFL, we can find ourselves filled with excitement and devastation during different moments of the day.

The reality is, we all know life consists of times of great celebration and times of immense heartache. My challenge for us is to be willing to come alongside someone in either scenario because we need one another’s support in both moments.

Romans 12:15 (AMP) encourages us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief].”

James 5:13 (ESV) says, ”Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.”

We are in a season of life more isolated than ever, but let’s be reminded that by God’s design we are to live life together during the suffering and the cheering.

The NFL community was united in celebration with Alex Smith…and unified in sorrow with Dak Prescott. As a result of watching people rejoice with Smith and weep with Prescott, let’s be inspired to intentionally do the same for the people in our lives, and let them know they have our support…on the best days and the worst days.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray I’d genuinely celebrate with those who are experiencing joy in their life and mourn with those who are hurting. Thank you for giving me the strength in either scenario. In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.

Discussion Questions for PACKS:
  1. Do you find it harder to celebrate or mourn with others?
  2. What holds you back from being intentional either way?