The 2016 article, "Inside Jon Gruden’s ‘Maniacal’ Obsession with Football," describes Jon Gruden's extreme commitment and strong love for the game of football. During his hiatus from coaching, the Oakland Raiders head coach was dedicated to being a Monday Night Football analyst on ESPN, which gave him an excuse to watch hours and hours of game tape. The article outlines how much information he consumed and how much effort he put into preparing to call games. An ESPN producer said, “It’s over the top. I’ve been doing this for 30 years and worked with so many analysts in so many sports. Nobody has come close to him in terms of preparation.” Football is obviously in Gruden's blood and based on how much he watched, discussed, and focused his time and energy on the game of football as a broadcaster, it's no wonder he's back into coaching. In many ways, Gruden is applauded for his long hours of watching game tape and admired for his "over the top" passion for football, but is having this obsession really a good thing? Many of us can most likely identify with something that we're obsessively passionate about or committed to. Whether it's work or a hobby or our favorite sports team, we are probably thinking about, talking about, and caring about it more than anything else. But as followers of Jesus, obsessions can be very hindering to our spiritual growth and devotion to God. If we’re not careful, our obsessions can become idols and prevent God from moving in and through us. When we don't make room for Him, our love becomes stronger for something or someone other than God. Jesus is asked in Matthew 22:36-37, “'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?' And He said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.'” To show that kind of love toward God requires a focus and dedication that can’t be lived out when obsessions get in the way. Today, let’s consider what is most important to us and be honest about passions and interests that have become obsessions. Let’s enhance our desire to grow closer to the Lord by letting go. I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please reveal the areas of my life that I may be too obsessed or have the potential to be too focused. Forgive me for being so concerned and passionate about things that have taken me away from fully loving and pursuing You. I pray that my ultimate desire would be to know You more and bring glory to Your name. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.
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