The new coaching staff of the Miami Dolphins is in the process of determining who their starting quarterback should be for the upcoming season.
Although coaches consider size, strength, speed, and accuracy, QBs must also possess decision-making skills, football intelligence, and an understanding of the playbook.
In other words, great quarterbacks need to have wisdom. They are required to develop an understanding of the position through experience on the field, practice, and game film.
A key element in the wisdom of quarterbacks is understanding the "why" behind what coaches are asking them to do. Dolphins Offensive Coordinator, Chad O’Shea, gives a great explanation of this in one of his recent comments:
“Players should want to know why. It’s something we encourage, to learn the whys. If they’re not inquisitive about the whys then they’re never really going to conceptually understand the offense.
"So I think that Josh is highly intelligent, just like Ryan and Jake are, so having smart guys is a good thing. Those guys aren’t afraid to ask why. And we’re not afraid to answer it.”
Beyond football, when we ask "why" we are asking for wisdom. Living in obedience to God requires wisdom, so it's important that we ask questions like "Why am I making this decision?" and "Why is this the best direction for me to go?"
James 1:5-6 (NLT) says, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone…”
Just like a football coach wants his quarterbacks to be highly intelligent and to understand why certain decisions should be made on the field, wisdom is required for us to live an effective life.
Being inquisitive, desiring knowledge, asking questions, and getting to the bottom of the "why" behind the action leads to a life of wisdom...and one that is pleasing and glorifying to God.
I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray You’d give me wisdom so I can make the right decisions and understand why Your way is the best way. I pray I’d seek You with all of my heart and trust You with the whys that you share with me. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.