As sports fans, watching games usually conjures up strong emotions and powerful responses. When cheering for our favorite teams, we typically have passionate reactions based on how they’re playing. We find ourselves jumping out of our seats during a touchdown and high-fiving after a big defensive stop. We yell at the TV (hoping the players are motivated by our words), clap our hands, and smile big during exciting moments. On Monday, I wrote about having enthusiasm after the Carolina Panthers won. However, there are certain seasons and weeks when we as sports fans become numb to what is taking place during the games. Sometimes we just go through the motions and we're not as captivated. Fan bases can become so used to seeing their team scoring touchdowns that they take it for granted and don’t cheer as loudly because they just expect it. When a team is up by 20, each play may no longer cause us to sit on the edge of our seats. Likewise, when we watch hours and hours of football and see countless plays on a Sunday afternoon, we can easily become emotionless by what we're seeing. We may just sit and stare at the TV with very little reaction. There are also times when we might be worn out or distracted, disconnected from the game, and simply don’t cheer as frequently. Instead of being engaged in what is happening, we resort to having the game on in the background or watching sports because that’s just what we do. Hopefully, this isn’t a common occurrence for most of us and our passion for sports remains intense. But if we’re honest, this type of attitude can easily infiltrate other areas of our lives. We can get caught up in the busyness of life and end up taking things for granted, feeling disconnected or numb, and lacking real joy and thankfulness. When we start to just go through the motions or get distracted, even during the Christmas season, we have to pause and adjust our perspective. As followers of Jesus, we want to continue to remind ourselves of all that God has done for us and look for ways He continues to move. We want to remain in awe and engaged in our relationship with Him. Our response to His incredible goodness and faithfulness should always be worshipful and thankful. Psalm 29:2 (ESV) proclaims, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of Holiness.” When we feel disengaged, we must understand what it means to be connected to the source of our joy and passion. Jesus says in John 15:5 (NIV), “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” Today, let’s experience the fullness of our life in Christ as we find joy in bringing glory to God. We worship Him and praise Him and are filled with cheerfulness because of who He is and what He’s done. Hebrews 12:28 (NLT) says, “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with Holy fear and awe.” We have plenty of reasons to get out of our seats and stand in amazement. Let's not take Him for granted and be numb to everything He's doing all around us. Let’s quiet our hearts and turn our eyes toward Him as we declare Psalm 118:28-29 (ESV): “You are my God, and I will give thanks to You; You are my God; I will extol You. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!” I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, it’s no wonder I feel disconnected from You when I chase other things apart from You. Please forgive me for lacking passion and joy, and give me the desire to have a perspective of thankfulness and worship. You are always so faithful and worthy of my praise. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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