ESPN Senior Writer, Buster Olney, wrote an article with the headline “What’s Behind the Decline and Fall of the Stolen Base?” In the article, he explains the different theories behind MLB players stealing fewer bases.
Some say there is a greater focus on home runs, potential injuries, instant replay, and the use of analytics. The numbers show there were 3,585 stolen bases in 1987 and 2,527 in 2017 with only three players having 40-plus stolen bases.
There is no denying this aspect of the game is diminishing, but as fans, stealing bases is one of the more intriguing plays to watch. Hanging in the balance to see if the runner will go for it, and if the pitcher will throw him out, always adds excitement to an inning.
It’s a thrilling moment when the base runner takes a few steps off the bag and then finally gets the call from his coach to go for it. The runner can’t look back but must take a leap of faith and run straight ahead toward the next base.
As base stealing becomes less common in the sport, fear and the risk factor appear to be at the core of the hesitation. A team doesn’t want to put its players in a position to get out or injured, so they play it safe and hope the base runner will get batted in by someone else.
Many players have the speed and skills to be great base stealers, but they’re holding back and not fully using their gifts. Too many of them are settling for the comfort level at first base, and just waiting for someone else to make a play.
This is often a similar situation in life...taking a couple of steps off of first base knowing we should leave fear behind to step out in faith and run to second base.
Unfortunately, too often we think it’s too risky to go for it, so we play it safe by remaining comfortable at “first base.”
However, as we follow Jesus and seek His direction for our lives, there are going to be moments and opportunities when He gives us the call to step out in faith. We have no need to look back but can run with confidence toward Him and His will.
We can come up with plenty of excuses or reasons to fear, but when God gives us the clear “go ahead,” He will provide the strength, speed, and skills, we need to move forward in faith.
Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT), "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
Today, we can "step off the bag" and "steal a base" knowing we have incredible power within to provide us strength.
As the Amplified version puts it in 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP), "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline .”
I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray I’d clearly hear Your voice to know when to make a move, and I would do so with confidence and faith. I pray I’d lean on the power from You to overcome my fear. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.