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"I've Buried the Injury"

Writer's picture: Bryce JohnsonBryce Johnson

Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Dak Prescott, experienced a gruesome injury on a run play last year that ended his season. Suffering a compound fracture and dislocation of his right ankle, the NFL community was devastated to see him go down like that.

However, Prescott's rehab went well and he’s back on the field practicing with his teammates. Although there's still a ways to go before the season starts, he’s currently making great progress.

Prescott and anyone who encounters a physical injury, realize there's a healing process their body must go through, including the mental side of the recovery.

They have to learn to trust their body and regain confidence in using the body part that was injured. Overcoming the fear of hurting themselves again and not allowing that hesitancy to hold them back are also necessary.

The other key aspect of the healing process is learning not to dwell on the injury and stop thinking about it so much. I’m sure Prescott constantly focused on it during those long days of rehab and dealing with the pain, but now that he’s through the toughest part, he’s ready to move on.

Prescott recently said, “I’ve buried the injury, honestly guys, you know me. From the point of practice, from the point of just moving forward and going about my life, I’ve buried it. I’ve buried it mentally. And I think you guys and a lot of people around me have to help me and bury it as well as we move forward.”

I love that he used the word “buried” because it carries a lot of weight and reveals how serious he is about leaving that injury behind and how he’s ready to begin a new season.

When it comes to our own lives, I think there's a parallel to our healing from past sins and the different “injuries” we’ve experienced. Of course, it’s hard to forget the pain we’ve caused or the pain someone has caused us, but thankfully because of Jesus, we can encounter healing.

Christ died on the cross and was buried, which allows us to bury our past mistakes and former way of life while we embrace His grace and forgiveness.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (AMP) tells us, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ , he is a new creature ; the old things have passed away. Behold, new things have come .”

The challenge for us is to move forward and no longer dwell on our past “injuries” by keeping our minds focused on Jesus and what’s in front of us. We have to learn to trust God and gain the confidence needed to give our whole lives to Him - even the parts of us that were previously injured.

Overcoming the fear of “being injured” again and not allowing hesitancy to hold us back from being fully committed to the life God has called us are very important in moving forward.

In order to let go of the previous pain, sin, and disappointments, we have to first properly heal through Jesus’ power and grace, so that we can “bury” the negative thoughts that pop up and try to drag us down. However, we can't truly bury the ongoing effects of the injuries unless the healing from past wounds has taken place.

Amazingly, this healing is possible as a result of Jesus' wounds because as 1 Peter 2:24 (AMP) tells us, “He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross , so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you have been healed.”

When we receive His salvation and go through the healing process while surrendering our new lives to Him, our minds no longer need to dwell on our “former injuries.”

The Lord says in Isaiah 43:18 (NASB), “Do not call to mind the former things, or consider things of the past.”

We can remember God’s past faithfulness in our lives and allow the memories of our old ways to lead us to thankfulness for what He has done for us, but because Jesus was buried on our behalf and our sins or "injuries" were buried with Him, we're able to similarly and confidently echo what Dak Prescott said about his ankle injury:

“From the point of just moving forward and going about my life, I’ve buried it.” Or rather, Jesus has buried all of our "injuries"!

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the healing You've allowed me to experience through Jesus. I pray I wouldn't dwell on the past, but look confidently toward eternity while walking in grace today. Thank you that my sins were buried with Jesus and I've been raised to new life with Him. It's in His name I pray, Amen.

Discussion Questions for PACKS:

What past mistake has been hard to "bury," but needs to be surrendered to God so you can move forward?

What holds you back from confidently believing your past is behind you and Jesus has forgiven you?

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