We are days away from the Super Bowl and the excitement is building! When teams make it to this point in their journey, part of the process is to reflect on how they got here. Players, fans, media, and coaches talk about defining moments and key decisions that led them to this point and set the Eagles and the Chiefs up to make it this far. Beyond the surface and the specific plays or games we witnessed as fans, I wonder about the personal thoughts, beliefs, moments, and choices of the players that happened along the way…
At what point did each player have an AHA moment that a trip to the Super Bowl was possible?
When did things really start to click for each team, especially with their new players?
When did the momentum officially switch toward a Super Bowl run?
When did each player gain the clarity needed to understand their role on a Super Bowl team?
When did each player start to believe the path their coaches were taking them on was the right one?
What was that moment when each player bought in and was willing to sacrifice whatever was necessary for the team to win?
Was there a moment they accepted the truth that there was a way for them to make it to the Super Bowl?
Was there a time this year when it was evident a change needed to be made and they were open to embracing it?
We don’t necessarily know the answers to these questions, but we know those key moments of belief were crucial to these two teams going down the right path toward the Super Bowl. They didn’t arrive at the Super Bowl in those moments, but they did provide them with the necessary vision and the clarity to know what was possible. When it comes to our own lives and faith journeys, I’m convinced we all need key AHA moments of belief, clarity, and vision. They are moments that provide starting points to where God’s truth clicks in our hearts, and minds, and deep down in our souls. They don’t always have to be dramatic, but they are crucial in helping us take the right path toward Jesus and unlocking a fulfilling life with Him. The moment of clarity and vision doesn’t mean we’ve arrived already, but it helps us believe in what’s possible with God. Our eyes are opened and we see God for who He truly is and who we truly are. We see the salvation He offers us and the journey He invites us to join Him on. Paul prays this in Ephesians 1:17-19 (ESV): “...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe…” Psalm 119:18 (AMP) says, “Open my eyes so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law.” I think it’s encouraging to reflect back on the key moments of God’s work in our lives and the ways He’s revealed Himself and His plan for us. At the same time, since we haven’t arrived in heaven yet and are still in the process of becoming more and more like Jesus, there's so much more truth that needs to click as we live our lives. In longing for more critical moments of spiritual clarity, let’s each of us pray that our hearts, minds, and souls would be opened to believe…
All things are possible with God.
He provides the momentum and opens doors we need to do His will.
He helps me to understand my role in the body of Christ.
The path He's laid out for me is the right one.
It's worth buying into a life of sacrifice and doing whatever is necessary to serve others.
It's true there's a way for me to know God deeply and personally and it’s only through Jesus.
He will show me the changes I need to make and help me be open to embracing those changes.
He loves me, just as I am, and my sins are forgiven.
I don’t have to carry my burdens because He carries them for me.
Today, let’s allow the truth of God’s Word to go down deep and unlock the peace, belief, direction, vision, and clarity we long for. He’s already revealed Himself and will continue to do so as we seek Him. I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray I'd continue to experience a deeper faith where You allow spiritual truths to click for me. Please help me to believe rightly and see You for who You really are. Thank you for the key moments You've already given me that showed me the right path to take, and for giving me the belief and clarity I needed. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
1. What have been some key AHA moments in your life? 2. What do you still have a tough time believing and are praying that would click in your heart, mind, and soul?