The Blind Side, one of the most recognizable sports films, is based on the inspiring true story of Michael Oher. Oher, commonly referred to as “Big Mike,” grew up in an impoverished environment, running from the foster homes he was placed as a result of his mother’s drug addiction. One night, Leigh Anne Tuohy (played by Sandra Bullock), spotted Big Mike walking alone in the cold rain lacking adequate clothing. She recognized him from the school her children attended, so she told her husband, Sean (played by Tim McGraw), to pull the car over. She invited Big Mike to spend the night on their couch after he hesitantly informed her he had no place to stay, and he ultimately ended up celebrating Thanksgiving with their family. As time went on, they continued to offer Big Mike support and he was eventually adopted into their family. Among the countless verses regarding generosity in the book of Proverbs, we are told, “It is a sin to despise one’s neighbor, but blessed is the one who is kind to the needy” in Proverbs 14:21 (NIV). The Tuohy Family was undoubtedly very kind to Big Mike. They voluntarily provided his unmet needs and welcomed him into their home with no intention of gaining anything. When Leigh Anne Tuohy met Big Mike for the first time, she was simply motivated by kindness. She had no idea that he'd one day be a heavily recruited offensive lineman, play football at her alma mater, Ole Miss, and be drafted in the first round of the 2009 NFL Draft. How about the rest of us? Do we look for opportunities to be generous and to serve because of our love for Jesus...or do we hope that we will receive something in return? In Galatians 5:13, Paul writes, “You, my brothers and sisters were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (NIV). Serving others is what we're called to do as followers of Jesus, but we must be mindful of our motivation. Instead of wanting something in return, today let's serve others because Jesus has given us love and freedom to do so. After all, He's our example and He laid His life down for us on the cross without expecting anything in return! I’m Luke Heaton and you can UNPACK that! PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for renewing my mind and transforming my heart. Thank you for laying Your life down for me. Help me to grow in my love for others and increase my desire to serve. Help me to flee from the desire to receive something back for my service to others, but rather be fulfilled in the service itself as I grow to become more like You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Discussion Questions for PACKS:
Do you find yourself only serving if you know you'll be served in return?
What groups of people do you have a heart to serve? How can you serve them?