Just before kickoff yesterday, the host of the NFL RedZone channel, Scott Hanson, mentioned how Week 2 is about “...looking for confirmation of what we saw in Week 1.”
After Week 1, we drew conclusions about certain teams and gained a sense of what direction teams are heading this season.
Following Week 2, we're still scratching our heads about a few teams, but plenty of things we believed after Week 1 were confirmed as true yesterday:
When Miami’s quarterback Tua Tagovailoa is healthy, the Dolphins are a dangerous team.
The San Francisco 49ers have many weapons on offense and all they do is win with QB Brock Purdy at the helm.
Dallas’ defense is elite. They once again dominated New York. This time it was the Jets, as the Cowboys' defense shined with four second-half turnovers.
The Chargers and Broncos haven’t learned how to win close games, as LA fell to the Titans in OT, and the Broncos couldn’t get it done against Washington despite a dramatic Hail Mary TD.
It’s clear that the Bengals have some issues that need to be fixed and the health of QB Joe Burrow is still concerning.
As fans, there are a few different ways we receive confirmations about what we believed in Week 1 also being true in Week 2. One of the ways is to watch the performance of a team with our own eyes so we can experience for ourselves what they are like on the field. We gain further confirmation about a team when we hear or read what an NFL analyst communicates. When their wise thoughts and observations line up with ours, we can be more confident about our conclusions. Finally, we develop particular feelings about teams. Every time we watch or talk about them, our gut feelings continue to be confirmed because all signs point to what we're sensing about a team being true. Likewise, as followers of Jesus, we have beliefs about life, God, and what we’re supposed to do next. We're also desiring confirmation of the things we believe to be true. Some of us today are praying God will confirm that He still loves us, has a purpose for us, and has truly forgiven our sins. Thankfully, He confirms all of this in His Word and by what He’s already done for us. God sent Jesus to die on the cross on our behalf and rise again, and desires for us to know Him, follow Him, and be with Him for eternity. When we place our faith in Jesus, our right standing before God is also confirmed. 1 John 5:20 (ESV) says, “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.” Others of us are praying that God will confirm specific details in our lives such as whether or not we should change jobs, move, donate our money, serve with our gifts and time, or speak up about important things. We believe we need to make certain decisions and must trust God for His confirmation of what is right. So how does God confirm that something we believe is true and is what He’s leading us to do? We must see Him clearly with our own eyes and experience Him and His presence for ourselves as we unpack His Word. God will open our eyes and help us see what we need to see about Him and our situation. Paul shares this prayer in Ephesians 1:17-19 (AMP) that we can also pray: “ that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation into the true knowledge of Him . "And that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened , so that you will know and cherish the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people), and what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power is in us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength…” God gives us the wisdom, revelation, and knowledge of what is true as we read Scripture, and may also confirm something as we listen to a Biblical sermon or hear a worship song. Sometimes, God also confirms things through the wise people in our lives, and then we make sure to confirm that what they say lines up with what the Bible says. If we follow Jesus and live Holy Spirit-filled lives, when God calls us to do something we also get confirmation by the peace, clarity, and promptings He provides us. It’s much more than a feeling, but we’ll sense the truth as God gives us discernment to confirm what direction all the signs are pointing toward. Today, as we pray, let’s ask God to confirm the truth and open our eyes and ears to what He’s really showing us. I’m Bryce Johnson, and you can UNPACK that! PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help me to only believe things that are true and please give me the confirmation to know the difference. I pray I’ll be aware of the ways You’re leading me and know clearly when You are giving me confirmation. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
1. What situation in your life needs confirmation right now? 2. What beliefs has God recently confirmed to be true through His Word?