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What Does the CFP Committee Value Most?

Writer's picture: Bryce JohnsonBryce Johnson

Last night, the College Football Playoff Committee released their latest rankings with Alabama, Notre Dame, Clemson, and Ohio State remaining in the top four.

Iowa State moved up two spots to 7th while Cincinnati dropped one spot to 8th. Coastal Carolina remained undefeated after beating BYU and they jumped up five spots to 13th.

As this crazy season winds down, it’s going to be fascinating to see who remains in the Playoff and how games being canceled (Ohio State vs. Michigan) and Conference Championship game results (especially in the ACC) will affect the final rankings.

The question we can ask as we anticipate the final rankings is what does the CFP Committee value most? Will they focus on the eye test, quality wins, the strength of schedule, conference strength, or margin of victory?

Will they value the teams who played more games and have more wins or prioritize a team like Ohio State who appears to be great, despite playing fewer games?

The CFP Committee can say they value certain qualities or criteria and tell us they place an emphasis on particular aspects of a team’s resume, but ultimately we can look at the rankings to see for ourselves. Will the rankings line up with what they said they prioritized?

As we debate and predict what teams will end up playing in the Playoff based on what the Committee prioritizes, the question for us to consider is what we value most. What are the most important priorities in our life?

We can say we value being a faithful spouse, a loving parent, a loyal friend, and a reliable worker, but ultimately, the “final rankings” in our lives will reveal whether or not that’s true. We can look at our schedules, character, and relationships to determine what we value most.

We can also say we value God’s kingdom above all else and prioritize pleasing Him, serving Him, and loving Him, but the fruit in our lives will prove if that’s what is actually most important to us.

As we consider what we want to value most and then honestly evaluate if our lives line up, let’s ask God to show us what’s most important to Him and help us live with those priorities as our focus. Let’s continue to pursue building His kingdom as more valuable than building our own.

In Matthew 13:44 (ESV), Jesus uses a parable of the hidden treasure to shed light on valuing the kingdom of heaven: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

Today, are we willing to give up everything else to place our highest value on God and His kingdom? Do we value God enough to place everything else as secondary? Do our lives represent what we say we value most?

When we live each day, what do we focus on, what do we think about most, and what do we prioritize? As followers of Jesus, let’s remember to heed this truth written in Colossians 3:1-4 (AMP):

"Therefore if you have been raised with Christ , keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above , not on things that are on the earth . For you died , and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know I place value on some things that don’t really matter. Please help me place the most value on bringing You glory and following Jesus so that I can become more like Him. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Discussion Questions for PACKS:

  1. What do you value the most?

  2. In what ways does your life reveal what you value most?


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