
Monthly Archives: August, 2016

  1. The Gold Process of Michael Phelps

    Michael Phelps continues to amaze us during this year’s summer Olympics in Rio. The 31-year-old successful swimmer has already added three gold medals, bringing his career total to 21. Phelps has remained remarkably elite throughout five consecutive Olympic games – breaking countless records and captivating the sports world every four years. When looking back at his career, two words come to mind: gold and trials. The many gold medals wrapped around his neck represent his awesome accomplishments in this competitive sport, but Phelps has also had to deal with difficult trials along the way. Phelps has had issues with his swim coach,…

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  2. The Joy and Disappointment of Tony Dungy

    Coach Tony Dungy is one of the most admired people in the world of sports and beyond. Having experienced a tremendous career as an NFL coach, he was respectfully inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday. During his speech, Dungy described the key moments of his remarkable journey and revealed God’s presence throughout His life. He emphasized how the disappointments helped him grow and ultimately led to even greater things.  Here are some excerpts from his speech: “Well, after four years of playing quarterback at Minnesota I expected to continue doing that in…

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  3. The Hall of Fame Effort of Brett Favre

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction speeches on Saturday night. I liked hearing the stories from these legendary guys, and was especially entertained by the record-setting 36-minute speech of Brett Favre! As a unique player with a captivating personality, I appreciated what Favre shared during his time on stage, and think these words in particular sum up his career: “Did we win every game? No. Did I make mistakes? More than I can count. But there was never one time I didn’t give it all I had.” Favre was known for his…

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  4. Representing (Olympics Devotional Series – Day 5)

    It is truly an honor for athletes to earn their way to the Olympics after years of hard work and dedication. They are there to represent themselves, their family, their coaches, and their country. From the opening ceremony with flags waving, to the medal ceremonies with national anthems playing, the competitors embrace the responsibility and pride of representing their home country. It’s remarkable how confident, bold, and transparent athletes are when displaying their affection. These Olympic athletes want everyone to know their country’s greatness and the importance of winning for their homeland. As…

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  5. Beneath the Surface (Olympics Devotional Series – Day 4)

    In college, I was on a water polo intramural team, and have to say it might be the most intense sport I’ve ever played. It’s absolutely exhausting! I can’t wait to watch the very best of this impressive sport play in the Rio Olympics. These incredible water polo players have the ability to throw, pass, catch, and defend – all while swimming and treading water. The physicality and athleticism of the sport are truly remarkable…and I’m just talking about the aspects you can see. The craziness actually happens beneath the surface. Guys try to stay afloat…

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  6. “A New World” (Olympics Devotional Series – Day 3)

    Rio 2016: A New World is the official slogan for this year’s summer Olympics. They’re saying it’s “inspired by new looks, new heroes, and the transformational power of sports.” Part of the heart behind the Rio Games is revealed by the manifesto that reads, “Building a new world. With new eyes, new examples, new heroes. Making new friends, creating new families…” There is no denying that the Olympic Games have an impact on all those involved and those throughout the world who are watching. Rio will never be the same after being the host city….

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  7. The Open Water Race (Olympics Devotional Series – Day 2)

    My favorite events during the Summer Olympics involve water. I grew up swimming, so I have great respect for swimmers who make it to the highest level of pool competitions, but I also admire those participating in open water events. Marathon swimming became an Olympic sport in 2008. Brazilian marathon swimmer, Poliana Okimoto, will be competing in her third Games after debuting in Beijing in 2008. She’ll compete in the open water of the Atlantic Ocean, which involves unique tactics and race strategies. Okimoto describes the differences between open water and pool events: “Every race is…

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  8. The Fear of Rio (Olympics Devotional Series – Day 1)

    The 2016 Olympics begin this weekend, but unfortunately one of the major storylines for the games in Rio is a concern for the safety and health of the athletes. Between the rampant Zika virus and the polluted water, many participants are either entering the games with tremendous fear or avoiding the risk by making the decision to stay home. From the fan’s perspective, knowing exactly how dangerous these issues are for the athletes is hard to determine, but we can understand the fear of being exposed to them. I believe…

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