Yesterday I received a call from one of my friends who is a huge Packers fan. Knowing that I am a Panthers fan, he expected me to relate to some of the thoughts and emotions he was having at this point in the NFL season.

With both teams having star quarterbacks and former MVPs, we had high expectations for the year and anticipated a deep playoff run. Unfortunately, we are now watching our favorite teams implode!

The Packers have lost three in a row, fired their head coach, and have a 4-7-1 record. The Panthers have lost four in a row, including a very disappointing defeat to the Bucs and a dominating defeat against the Steelers on national TV. The Panthers head coach is on the hot seat, while two assistant coaches were fired this week.

As my buddy and I talked about our teams and shared our perspective on the bleak situations, we made suggestions for improvement and ultimately related to the struggles our teams were each facing.

Even though we cheer for two different teams, it’s nice having another sports fan to empathize with. Of course, the circumstances aren’t exactly the same and our team’s history is different, but at the core, we both know what it’s like to watch our teams lose this season.

In life, we all experience heartache and unfortunate seasons of disappointment. Oftentimes, we bottle up our emotions, feel like nobody understands our situation, and disregard anyone who says they do.

However, as followers of Jesus, empathy should be a regular rhythm in our lives. We often know what others are going through because we have either gone through something similar in the past or are presently going through it.

When others are struggling with an issue at work or facing challenging circumstances at home, we need to extend empathy regardless of our “jersey colors.” They may not be the same problems, but we can still relate.

We all need to vent…to be encouraged…to be pointed toward Jesus…and to know we’re not the only ones who don’t have it all together. There is great power in sharing each others’ pain and faithfully praying for one another.

Romans 12:15 (AMP) says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others’ joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others’ grief].”

Galatians 6:2 (TLB) implores us to “Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command.”

I’m not sure if the Packers or Panthers will turn it around this season, but I’m thankful to know I don’t have to deal with the losing alone.

When Jesus walked this earth fully human (and fully God), He too, experienced pain. So, whatever we’re going through today, Jesus is there to comfort us and empathize with us.

Whether in sports or life, let’s stop buying the lie that others don’t understand what we’re experiencing…and openly receive empathy.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray I wouldn’t let pride get in the way of giving and receiving empathy. I know it provides comfort and encouragement. I’m thankful Jesus is there to lean on, as well. It’s in His name I pray, Amen.