One of the most impressive feats in NFL history is the Buffalo Bills making it to the Super Bowl four straight times but losing each game.

The Bills did the unimaginable during their run from 1990-1993, and yet they just couldn’t get over the hump to win the big game…despite knowing how to get there.

As we know in sports, it’s rarely viewed as a good thing to lose (especially at the Super Bowl), but amazingly they made it back four consecutive years.

The Bills must have experienced tremendous disappointment when they repeatedly lost on the largest stage. At first glance, people probably view the Bills losing over and over again as a bad thing, but as hard as it must have been, great value was found and many benefits resulted.

Those Bills teams now have seven members inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, including the owner, GM, coach, and multiple players. Also, the Bills are a more memorable team than most one-time Super Bowl winners and continue gaining more respect for what they accomplished during their stretch of Super Bowl appearances.

I’m sure they would rather be known for winning than losing, but the Bills will always be legends for playing in four straight Super Bowls.

When it comes to our life and faith journey, we don’t usually associate anything positive with losing. We always want to win and gain something, instead of lose anything.

However, Jesus provides an approach to losing that actually results in true life. He says in Matthew 10:38-39, “Whoever does not take up their cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for My sake will find it.”

We end up finding life when we lose our selfishness, let go of our own way of doing things, and pass on what the world considers winning. When we lose our desire to chase the pursuits of the flesh and the world, we find true fulfillment in losing ourselves and gaining Jesus.

Today, let’s be great losers!

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, it’s hard to embrace the idea of losing, but I pray that You would change my heart so I can experience the joy of finding true life in Jesus. Help me die to my selfish desires each day for the sake of Jesus, and give me the strength to let go of worldly pursuits. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

*Today’s devotional can be also be found on the Bible App in our Five-Day Reading Plan about Super Bowl History. Read the other four days here: Reading Plan