Running back, Kareem Hunt was released by the Kansas City Chiefs this past November after a video leaked showing him shove and kick a woman in a hotel hallway last February.

He was placed on the commissioner’s exempt list and the NFL continues to investigate this incident for his punishment to be determined.

Yesterday, the Cleveland Browns announced they are signing Hunt to a one-year contract. Following any league discipline, they are giving him another chance to play football.

This signing creates a plethora of emotions, conversations, and concerns.

Believing that Hunt should lose his right to play in the NFL again is understandable when considering his unacceptable behavior. Domestic violence is terrible and it’s reasonable to wonder why the league would want players with this kind of history on their rosters.

With the Browns making such a questionable decision, it’s easy to see why many wouldn’t approve of them looking past Hunt’s transgressions and welcoming him into their franchise. After all, knowing what he did, gives the appearance that his talents and the good of the team are taking priority.

But when unpacking this today, I’m hoping we can also see how it paints a picture of what grace is all about.

Grace is simple yet complicated and we struggle with its concept. We hear stories of atrocious acts by people and want them to be punished and to pay a steep price. It’s hard to think they deserve a second chance after what they’ve done.

Then at the same time, we look at our own mistakes and poor choices and desire grace and another chance – usually using a sliding scale in our favor. We tell ourselves we’re not that bad.

Thankfully, the ultimate Judge and Creator is filled with love and grace and doesn’t operate on a sliding scale. God is rich in mercy and offers us what we don’t deserve. He offers us second chances and forgiveness in Jesus.

We are reminded in Romans 3:23 (ESV), “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” but when we receive Jesus as our Savior based on His work on the cross, “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8; ESV).

I John 1:9 (ESV) tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

God’s Word gives us the assurance that He looks past our transgressions, cleanses us, and welcomes us into His family for eternity.

Today, let’s not forget how incredible grace is and that it is available to all of us sinners – regardless of how awful our past transgressions are.

Let’s be challenged to embrace the grace we’ve been shown…and willingly extend it toward others.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your grace. Please help me not to think I deserve it while others don’t. I know I’m broken and in need of a Savior. I trust in Jesus and it’s in His name I pray, Amen.