In order for a high school football player to play in college, he not only has to have the talent, but he has to have the desire and passion to do so. The same is true for college athletes who plan on pursuing the NFL. They need the drive to do what it takes to get to the league.

Then, once a player gets into the NFL they must love the game in order to keep playing and show up for training camp year after year. Of course, skills are required to continue receiving a contract, but plenty of players retire early when they no longer have the fire that keeps them going.

Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Larry Fitzgerald are a few players that come to mind who still love the game as much as ever and aren’t ready to let it go. Fitzgerald posted his announcement to return to the Cardinals for his 16th season on Instagram this week:

“A fire burned inside of me my rookie year…a desire, over all else, to be great. To excel on the field. To impact the lives of others off of it. I’m grateful that the fire still burns just as bright today, and that this organization has let me chase that fire for well over a decade. Nothing excites me more than continuing to chase greatness with everyone here on and off the field.”

It’s so true that greatness requires a burning fire within that drives and motivates us. But sometimes in life, we allow our challenges, obstacles, and frustrations to put that fire out. We lose the passion and excitement we had when we first started a job, got married, had a baby, or moved somewhere new.

This can also be the case when it comes to being on fire for God. When we first receive His grace and salvation through Jesus, we’re pumped and ready to follow Him with everything we have. We want to do great things for Him and we go all-in.

However, oftentimes we allow the struggles of life, the pushback from others, distractions, and worldly pursuits to put the fire out.

In the second chapter of Revelation, God reveals this message to the Church in Ephesus and can also be an encouragement to us.

Verses 4-5 say in the Amplified translation, “But I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your first love[you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me]. So remember the heights from which you have fallen, and repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, your sinful behavior—seek God’s will] and do the works you did at first [when you first knew Me]; otherwise, I will visit you and remove your lampstand (the church, its impact) from its place—unless you repent.”

As we consider how Larry Fitzgerald continues to have the same fire that burned inside of him as a rookie, let’s be inspired to ask God to fan the flame in us so we can be great for Him.

Let’s continue to have the same joy and passion that we first had when we surrendered our life to Jesus and ask Him to “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey You” (Psalm 51:12; NLT).

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray You’d ignite a fire within me that gives the excitement, passion, and energy I need to pursue You every day. Help me not to take my salvation for granted or allow the challenges of life to put out the fire. Thank you for Your grace and Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.