The Boston Celtics took a 3-0 lead over the Philadelphia 76ers on Saturday night after a thrilling overtime game that saw both teams hit crucial shots. The Celtics playoff run is a great story when you consider they’re playing without their two best players, Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward.

With multiple guys stepping up at different times and demonstrating how well they play as a unit, their success points to amazing coaching.

Head coach, Brad Stevens, continues to earn great respect and recognition for his ability to get the most out of his players…and for his “ATOs” or after-timeout plays, as well.

The Celtics have proven to do an incredible job after timeouts. Two huge baskets (including the game winner) came in Game 3 because of the plays Stevens drew up for his team.

Following the game, Celtics forward Marcus Morris said, “That man Brad Stevens is a guru. He might have the best out-of-bounds plays I’ve ever seen. He called the switch. He knew it was gonna happen. He called the over the top pass and it was all true.”

The Boston players trust their coach, listen to him during timeouts, and execute the plays he calls. They may not completely understand how it will all work out, but because they believe Stevens knows what he’s doing, they readily follow his plans.

The term “ATO” seems to be getting a lot of attention since Stevens’ plays have resulted in success, but I think it can also be applied in our own lives.

As followers of Jesus, it’s crucial that we regularly have a “timeout” with the Lord to listen to what He wants to tell us. When we successfully follow the “plays” He designs for us, our lives have clarity and are much more fruitful. We can actually look back and see the significant “After-Timeout” results.

During the “timeout,” it’s important to trust what God says in His Word and execute the plan He has for us. We have to believe He knows what He’s doing and sees what we can’t see. Even when it doesn’t make sense from our vantage point, we must follow His plan “after a timeout.”

Successful “ATOs” require reading God’s Word, listening for the specific direction He has for us, and then doing what He says. James1:22 (NLT) gives us this challenge: “But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”

Also, Joshua 1:8 (NLT) encourages us to “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Today, let’s remember God has designed the best plans for our lives. His “ATO’s” will continually put us in the best position to succeed for His glory and for our good.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the work You do in my heart when I take a timeout to be with You. As I read Your Word, help me to act accordingly…knowing that Your ways and plans are the best for my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.