NBA teams are preparing to resume their regular season in Orlando without any fans. With these unique circumstances, it’s hard to know what to expect and which teams will play the best.

Each team’s depth is going to be especially important as some players are opting out of making the trip to the bubble due to COVID-19 or because of previous injuries. Because of this, now more than ever, bench players will be heavily relied on and a team’s depth will be tested.

Inevitably, more players, even stars, will get injured or possibly contract the virus at some point while in Orlando, so teams who demonstrate having depth will persevere and those with the deepest rosters will most likely stand out.

The following are questions that are sure to pop up:

  • What teams will have enough depth to keep winning and even grow stronger as a unit if they lose a player?
  • Will players be able to handle the increased pressure and toll it takes being down another man?
  • Will some teams prove to have a lack of depth or will this be an opportunity for other players to show what they can do?

When it comes to our own lives, we encounter trials and circumstances that reveal and test the depth of our faith. When we face these situations, do we prove to have a deep trust in God or a shallow faith in Him? Does the depth of our abiding love for Him help us endure when we’re up against it?

James 1:12 (NLT) tells us, “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”

When we’re dealing with a difficult season, the depth of our faith is tested in how we persevere. Any challenge is an opportunity for us to show how we handle adversity, but more importantly, it’s a chance for our faith to deepen and become even stronger.

James 1:3 (AMP) explains, “Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace].”

With NBA teams soon realizing how important their depth is as they try to withstand the loss of certain players, let’s be reminded of our need for a deep and abiding faith in God to withstand all the pressures of life.

Today, let’s view the tests and trials in front of us as opportunities to rely more on the depth of Christ’s power within us. I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for growing my faith during trials. I pray I’d have a strong desire to continue to deepen my faith and strengthen my reliance on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Discussion Questions for PACKS:
  1. How have previous trials deepened your faith?

  2. As your faith is being tested right now, in what ways are you preserving or enduring?