This Sunday, part two of The Match: Champions for Charity takes place as Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning compete against Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady on the golf course to raise money for charity.

I can’t wait to watch these incredible superstars go head to head in this worthwhile golf competition and must admit I’ll be rooting for Tiger and Peyton.

To promote the event, Turner’s Ernie Johnson did a hilarious interview with all four of the guys bantering back and forth. It was a teaser to how fun it will be seeing them out on the course goofing around and trash-talking while trying to beat each other in a round of golf.

As accomplished athletes who are some of the best to ever perform in their sports, they have a lot in common. One significant connection worth unpacking today is the “nevers” they’ve all experienced at some point in their careers.

It was said that Tiger Woods would never win again…never dominate the sport again…never have as many fans as he once did…never be healthy…never get his swing back…and never be able to play again.

Similarly, Peyton Manning faced a career-threatening neck injury and many believed he’d never be able to play again, let alone at a high level. Early in his career, it was said Peyton would never live up to being the first overall pick after his disastrous rookie season. In the middle of his career, following some tough losses in the playoffs, he was told he’d never win a Super Bowl.

Likewise, Phil Mickelson struggled to win a major during the first part of his career. From 1999-2003, he had 17 top-ten finishes and six-second or third-place finishes in majors but was referred to as the “best player never to win a major.”

Out of college, how many people said Tom Brady would never be a starter in the NFL? Or how many times was it expressed that Tom would never be able to play at an elite level past the age of 40? Or haven’t we all heard comments that Tom would never be able to throw a football unless it was properly deflated (Ha! Ha!)?

These guys could have easily given up on themselves years ago, but they’ve proven the “nevers” don’t stop them – they only motivate them to keep persevering.

The “nevers” only enhance their stories and reveal what they’ve overcome to achieve victory again and again.

Peyton won a Super Bowl with two different teams (one after his neck injury)…Brady won his 6th Super Bowl at the age of 41…Mickelson has five Major Championships…and Tiger won the Masters last year.

These four athletes have in common the history of “nevers,” but the reality is, so do we. Every one of us has “nevers” that come from within or from the critics in our lives.

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

I’ll never get a good job.

I’ll never be married and have kids.

I’ll never break my habit.

I’ll never find good friends.

I’ll never change.

I’ll never be good enough.

I’ll never get through this difficulty.

When we allow ourselves to believe these types of “nevers,” we’re not operating with faith and hope. Instead of focusing on God’s truth, power, and faithfulness, we’re focusing on our current circumstances, our limited understanding, and the present reality.

We must believe He can turn our “nevers” into victory, which always reveals His glory and goodness.

So how do we combat the negative thinking in our lives and the times we feel discouraged by our “nevers?” Scripture enables us to replace them with encouraging and uplifting “nevers” that strengthen us to persevere:

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end…” (Lamentations 3:22 – ESV).

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5 – ESV).

“Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My Word, he will never see death” (John 8:51 – ESV).

“God never lies” (Titus 1:2).

Each one of these truths reminds us of God’s character and what we have available as His followers. Today, let’s allow these biblical “nevers” to enhance our journey as we rely on Him to help us overcome the other “nevers” that try to defeat us.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for always being loving, faithful, and good. Thank you for continually providing mercy and grace. I pray You’d strengthen me to persevere as I cling to Your truth. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Discussion Questions for PACKS:

  1. What “nevers” have you overcome in your life by the grace of God?

  2. What “nevers” are you wrestling with right now?