I’ll admit, I’m rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs to win on Sunday against the Patriots. I also hope that Chiefs safety, Eric Berry, is healthy enough to take the field.

There is an awesome article about him on ESPN.com with the headline, “How Eric Berry Inspires a Team, a Town, and Beyond” and the article is titled, “The Ripple Effect of Eric Berry.”

This is an excerpt from the article that explains all that Eric Berry has gone through:

“Berry has torn an ACL, had his childhood home in Georgia burn down, fought cancer, and ruptured an Achilles tendon in the 2017 season opener against the New England Patriots. The heel injury has been particularly confounding because he was listed as day-to-day from September through December this season, played two games, then was sidelined again.”

The way Berry has handled all of this is an inspiration and he continues to use his experiences to have an impact on others. Whether it’s encouraging people who are battling cancer, providing needs for kids, or leading the pregame defensive huddle even when he’s injured, he’s uplifting to those he interacts with and to those who watch him.

The article explains that when Eric tore his Achilles, his mother Carol was watching on TV. As she watched her son’s face, she knew he’d be okay because he looked at peace.

Eric Berry is not only a talented safety but a special person. Instead of seeking the publicity, he just genuinely inspires people by how he lives and deals with adversity.

We love hearing stories like this, but they aren’t exclusive to athletes. We may believe they have a greater obligation to care for and impact others, but what about each of us? Could an article be written about us with a similar headline “How ______ Inspires a Team, a Town, and Beyond” or “The Ripple Effect of ______?”

The truth is, each of us has a story of difficulty, unfortunate situations, and seasons of disappointment. Do we use those experiences to encourage and inspire others? Are others motivated by how we handle “injuries” with peace?

Do others believe they can make it through a challenge because they’ve seen us do it? Do we come alongside hurting people because we’ve gone through something similar and know how they feel?

As followers of Jesus, His light, love, and power should shine through us and inspire others. Others should see something different in us and know that our faith in God enables us to persevere.

Let’s not waste our hardships, but instead allow them to bring glory to God as we inspire and comfort others.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (ESV) says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Today, let’s seek to have a positive “ripple effect” on the lives of those we meet. As we remember that people are watching, let’s be mindful of what they will see.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to be an inspiration to others and ask that people see my genuine faith as I go through challenges. I pray I can comfort others based on what I’ve gone through. Help me to impact those who need encouragement as they see You in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.