With another Super Bowl win adding to the Patriots’ legendary status, the intriguing debate continues as to who has contributed more to this dynasty? Is it Tom Brady with his illustrious rank as the best NFL player ever…or Bill Belichick with his elite title as the greatest coach in history?

A case can be made for either side when you consider how crucial it’s been for Belichick to have a QB of Brady’s caliber making the throws…and how paramount it’s been for Brady to have Belichick’s extraordinarily successful system.

There are countless stats and pertinent points about each guy’s contribution to this 19-year run, but the obvious answer at the end of the debate is that they have needed each other.

This question about who has contributed more to the Patriots’ success gets me thinking about a question we can sometimes ask ourselves (as ridiculous as it may be): “Who contributes more to our accomplishments – us or God?”

We probably don’t want to admit contemplating such an outrageous question, but we can’t ignore wanting attention and acknowledgment from others when we have success. Deep down, don’t we desire getting the credit for being intelligent, working hard, persevering, and making wise decisions?

Of course, our efforts matter and our role in God’s plan is important as we steward everything He’s equipped us with. But we need to be aware when we get caught up in ourselves and take undue glory and credit for what’s been done.

We somehow think we’re “self-made” or solely responsible for the amazing job we’ve done at work or in raising our kids or with using the talents we possess. However, we can’t forget God is the source of life and the creator of the world. He alone allows our next breath and is the sole reason we’re able to do anything at all.

When we buy the lie that we can be self-sufficient in pursuing success, we are forgetting that God gives us the ability to learn…the strength to persevere…and the abilities to do what we do.

Pride often results when we don’t recognize God as the almighty and all-powerful One, and foolishly try to take all of the praise and attention for our contributions.

God’s question to Job in Job 38:4 (NLT) is a humbling verse for us to grasp: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much.”

Paul puts things into perspective in 1 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT): “For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?”

God allows us to work hard and have great accomplishments on this earth, but He wants us to rely on Him and point to Him as our source and satisfaction. Otherwise, they are just empty pursuits.

Let’s make sure our hearts are aligned with God, as we live in a way that reveals how He is the one leading…and the one always providing for us. Any of our small contributions are made possible because of Him.

Today, let’s profess the words found in Psalm 115:1 (NLT), “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.”

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please humble me and show me Your glory. I am nothing apart from You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.