The NBA All-Star weekend wrapped up last night to complete the yearly celebration of the sport, as they honored the best players in the world. The weekend was focused on the stars – past, present, and future.

Last night during the All-Star game, the biggest names were out on the court showcasing their crazy athleticism with countless dunks while also showing off their range by taking shots all over the court. Fans enjoyed seeing their favorite stars going against each other.

However, heading into Saturday night’s Slam Dunk contest there was a lot of discussion about the marquee players turning down the opportunity to compete. Many fans were disappointed with the lack of star power for this classic event. Instead, four young (not well-known) players stepped up and entered the contest.

I couldn’t believe how one of the players out there (Mac McClung) looked like a little kid and I began to wonder (as I’m sure others did), who is this guy and why was he there?

McClung was listed as 6’ 2” and didn’t look like a typical elite dunker. I had never seen his YouTube videos and had no idea who he was. I’m sure I wasn’t alone in judging him for the way he looked, not giving him a chance to win based on his appearance, and underestimating what he was capable of doing.

But sure enough, this recently signed NBA player (who spent all season in the G-League) electrified the crowd, turned heads, and put on an incredible show on his way to winning the Slam Dunk Contest.

Surprisingly, he had three dunks that the judges gave a perfect score of 50 and he nailed all four of his dunks with style and conviction.

It’s remarkable that this undrafted, borderline NBA player, with an unassuming stature, went out there and won the same contest as Michael Jordan, Dr. J, and Kobe Bryant had previously!

I love this story so much, and there are multiple lessons to be learned and ways for us to be encouraged. Today, I want to unpack the reminder that none of us have to be a well-known “All-Star” with an amazing appearance and visible gifts to do something extraordinary…or step up when nobody else will.

Unfortunately in sports and life, we often doubt ourselves and judge others based on the wrong criteria. We can easily get caught up in the lie that only the most talented, most impressive speaking, best-looking, most athletic, smartest, and richest people are the ones who accomplish the greatest things. We doubt what we’re capable of and determine we’ll just let the “All-Stars” shine and we’ll sit back and watch them.

This mentality is especially discouraging and untrue when it comes to being used by God. We tell ourselves that we aren’t spiritual enough or gifted enough or know the Bible well enough and believe God can’t use us in significant ways. We’d rather sit in the back of the church and watch others serve God.

The truth is, however, that God uses humble people whose hearts are devoted to Him and actively seeking Him. He’s looking for those who are surrendered, open, and filled with faith.

If we have the willingness to serve Him, He will equip us with whatever we need to accomplish something significant for His purposes and His glory. It may not always be glamorous or in the spotlight, but we’re doing it because of our love for God – not for attention or accolades.

As we read the Bible, we see God using unlikely characters to accomplish His will. Whether we’re talking about Moses or Joseph in the Old Testament or the disciples in the New Testament, it’s not always the “All-Stars” based on status, stature, or talent that God uses and empowers.

The story of David is an especially good example, and 1 Samuel 16:7 (AMP) provides encouraging insight into God’s perspective: “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”

Let’s always remember that God provides the strength and power necessary to do His work. We just need to give Him our hearts and decide to stop making excuses about not being talented or smart enough, and instead, be open to stepping up and out in faith.

2 Chronicles 16:9 (NLT) tells us, “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him…”

Let’s not worry about being an “All-Star,” but more importantly, choose to be a servant of the Lord with a heart that’s fully committed to Him.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know I’m inadequate in my own strength, but I believe You can use me because of Your power to accomplish significant things. I pray my heart would be fully surrendered and my humble spirit would allow You to move in me and through me. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. In what ways have you been unwilling to be used by God because you doubt your abilities?

2. How has God surprised you with the ways He’s empowered you despite your weaknesses and lack of stature, status, or talent?